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Apr 19, 2017 Meeting agenda

Conference call on Skype

1. Re-confirming approval of role & responsibilities of executive director as from Mar 20, 2017 meeting outcomes.

2. Re-confirming approval of "divide & conquer" structure from Oct 19, 2016 meeting agenda.

3. Preparation for IITTI exam at AICI Beijing Apr 30, 2017 (Ref: email Mar 28, 2017 "Sliding scale")

4. For China: Modestum doing the train-the-trainer? Who would like to participate?

5. IITTI designations? (Ref: email Mar 24, 2017)
       IITTI CIEP  (Certified Image & Etiquette Practitioner) (ie Level 1)
       IITTI CIEE  (Certified Image & Etiquette Expert)  (ie Level 2)
       IITTI CIEM (Certified Image & Etiquette Master)  (ie Level 3)
       IITTI CWC (Certified World Citizen) (ie Citizens of the World)

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