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May 8, 2017 Meeting agenda

Conference call on Skype

1. Debriefing by Christina on her AICI Beijing Education Weekend, and 54 people wrote the IITTI exam at Beijing Normal University

2. Re-confirming approval of role & responsibilities of executive director as from Mar 20, 2017 meeting outcomes (and email on Apr 2 from Patrick) ('Yes' Lynne May03)

3. Citizens of the World questions from Jessie

4. Level 2 S&Gs

5. IITTI designations? (Ref: email Mar 24, 2017)
       IITTI CIEP  (Certified Image & Etiquette Practitioner) (ie Level 1)
       IITTI CIEE  (Certified Image & Etiquette Expert)  (ie Level 2)
       IITTI CIEM (Certified Image & Etiquette Master)  (ie Level 3)
       IITTI CWC (Certified World Citizen) (ie Citizens of the World)

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