This is a continuation of our earlier discussion about whether we should introduce IITTI at the 2012 AICI Conference.
The consensus was a "yes" and the discussion turned to crafting a concise "elevator statement" as a unified message.
Here is the latest short version:
"IITTI is like the ISO standard for image and etiquette."
Apr 14, 2012 from Patrick
In terms of a great elevator pitch for image training schools, I'll take the first stab at it:
"A standard that allows consultants to sell more easily
to the market because the market will understand this standard just like ISO-9000."
"What this standard can do for image consulting is similar to
what ISO has done for quality control in industrial processing."
Apr 24, 2012 from Deborah
I like the idea of tying the elevator speech to ISO.
We need something that is easily understood across all cultures and identifies who we are,
what we do, why should anyone care, and how they can learn more.
Apr 28, 2012 from Patrick
Hi Deborah, Great! We have pretty much a unanimous consensus about tying our elevator speech to ISO.
The general feedback has been that the "first stab" on April 14th was in the right direction,
but it was too long and wordy.
It was also suggested that we should only tie in to ISO in our verbal communication,
not in our written literature, just to be prudent.
Here is the second try at the elevator pitch (thank you, Riet):
"IITTI is like the ISO standard for image and etiquette."
May 4, 2012 from Deborah
I like the the shortened version Riet provided.
It may be good to have a second line (only to use when needed) to explain ISO for those who are not familiar.
Maybe, ISO is ....
Apr 29, 2012 from Christina
I like what Riet's short and to the point version.
Since this will be very conversational,
I suggest we include the next line and work a bit more on the benefits in as concise a manner.
We won't need this for everyone we speak to
but I'm sure a good number of image consultants at AICI will be keen to hear more,
and we should be ready to take the conversation further.
So here's my next shot at the conversation that could follow...
Eventually when launched/established/, what this standard can do for image consulting is...
help executives improve their career hiring and advancement.
How? With IITTI standards, they can learn how to polish up their image and etiquette,
sit for exams and obtain certificates for their CVs
helps HR hirers identify job candidates who have better image and etiquette competencies/skills/know how/savvy
most interesting for us as image consultants,
IITTI will promote the importance of image and etiquette to more and more consumers.
Can you imagine what this eventually leads to for the demand for our coaching and training services?
Apr 30, 2012 from Lynne
I worked a bit on the elevator pitch as part of the video script and I include it below.
We could use a single sentence or a combination of sentences, depending on time.
It must be conversational and one useful model is:
Who we are
What we provide
To whom
Benefits of our organization
It's so much easier to tear apart than create from scratch so we can use this as a base.
I'm not attached to any of it and we can all put our own spin on it anyway.
I think we need a simple 20 second statement letting people know that we are working on this.
Not that it's a done deal.
We have put together a team of experienced image consultants to establish international standards in image consulting.
Our non-profit organisation called IITTI is the only standard-setting organization for image and professional conduct
that exists in the world today.
It's targeted to progressive executives, employees and corporations; image trainers;
universities and colleges world-wide who want to be known for having the highest internal standards of image and conduct.
FOR AICI: Just as the FLC and CIP differentiates certified image consultants from the rest.
We are working on the same standards and standardized tests for the outside world
which will be available in the arena of image and professional conduct,
so that everyone is on the same page.
Image training can also be standardized by offering the same topics.
Do you remember how the influence of ISO 2000 and the quality movement swept through organizations?
Well, IITTI will have the same influence in the arena of image and professional conduct.
Employees and interviewees will be able to take standardized tests, so that everyone is on the same page.
Many colleges and organizations such as...........are already on board.
May 7, 2012 from Deborah
Lynne, Great job! It is clear, includes key points, and is conversational.