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Dec 17, 2015 Meeting Outcomes (in blue) (Action item in red)

1. Should we be exclusive or more inclusive?
        (Recommendation: inclusive, allow diversity) (Inclusive by adding "contributors" to our ranks.)

After the formal part of the meeting, Lynne and Riet stayed on with Patrick
and helped in creating a "strategic plan" of things to do.
These are the action items before the new year:
    1.) Contributor webpage - define purpose, disclaimer  (Lynne)
                  done Jan08,2016
    2.) LinkedIn pilot - review in 3, 6 months (Patrick)
                  started Jan08,2016
    3.) website update - consistency (Kimberly?)
                  update postponed as of Jan08,2016
    4.) Level 2 - broaden definition to "soft skills", add "d" as in digital  (Patrick)
                  done by Lynne Jan08,2016
    5.) S&Gs for Level 1 - mapping to all questions
                                     - specifying reference books(?) (Riet)
                  on-going Jan08,2016

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