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Feb 1, 2016

Item Description
Catherine Bell acting as contributor Invited Catherine Bell to contribute to Level 2.
Advertised IITTI thru AICI Published latest research finding from New York Times, Gallup and Purdue on AICI weekly bulletin.
Preparing for AICI Canada Chapter webinar Promoting the idea that image training is a 'must have' rather than just a 'nice to have' via AICI Canada Chapter.
"RockTell" for India marketing Discussion between Patrick, Deborah, Kimberly and decided to continue to source video for Level 1 while producing our own at the same time.
Hwa Kang in Taiwan Jessie got Hwa-Kang Education agreement prepared. Patrick signed and sent a hardcopy copy.
Versa in Peru Working with Lilian: approved Versa of Lima, Peru to be an IITTI Testing Centre.
Level 2 building Preparing final discussion before posting on LinkedIn. Level 2 topics
Level 1 revison Will need to set up a task force to check if all exam questions are in the S&Gs.
Chinese translation Helen Hu got the rest of Level 1 translated into Simplified Chinese. (The rest was translated into Traditional Chinese by Jessie in Taiwan.)
Thai translation Apailuck helped with Self-Test tool. Published online already.
Video "How to break into MNCs" Arranging to let board look at it before publishing.

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