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Jul 10, 2017

Item Description
Cellphone Learning (or Continuing Ed) Video "How to improve company culture" (7 mins)
Level 2 topics On LinkedIn. "Master" index of Level 2 topics
       - Need everyone to contribute 3 questions.
Level 2 criteria On LinkedIn. Level 2 question criteria
       As proposed by Lynne
Question Pool (Level 1) All approved questions incorporated (except image). Left-over unapproved questions are all in:
Unapproved Questions
Level 1 revison Will need to set up a task force to check if all exam questions are in the S&Gs.
Video "How to break into MNCs" Arranging to let board look at it before publishing.

Archived Materials
Item Description
Rocktell Open Interview Video Implemented at: www.Rocktell.com
Old certification structure Archived old certification structure circa 2011-2014
Open Interview, Cellphone Learning Video (16 mins) (for internal discussion)

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