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Mar 30, 2016

Item Description
Trump Hotel Vancouver Trump Hotel Vancouver contacted us and working with us to use IITTI as part of recruitment process.
IITTI orientation webinar Delivered our own IITTI orientation webinar on Mar 3, 2016 using freeConferenceCall.com platform.
AICI Canada Chapter webinar Delivered webinar on Feb 1, 2016 via AICI Canada Chapter about image training is a 'must have' rather than just a 'nice to have'.
"RockTell" changed to 'Modestum' Because of requests from the market such as Trump Hotels, we changed back to the consortium idea using the name 'Modestum Consortium'.
Level 2 topics Posted on LinkedIn. "Master" index of Level 2 topics
MailChimp Riet helped with setting up a MailChimp account for IITTI's future mail communication.
Vision and Mission upgrade Updated vision and mission (as per Google Drive doc "IITTI Vision & Mission 2016" with suggested streamlining)
FAQs for schools Added short FAQs about who can use IITTI (as per Kimberly's work, see Google Drive doc "IITTI Website 2016") FAQs for schools
Level 1 revison Will need to set up a task force to check if all exam questions are in the S&Gs.
Video "How to break into MNCs" Arranging to let board look at it before publishing.

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