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Sep 7, 2016

Item Description
Keynote at AICI Asia Media release: A global standard helps multinationals do training in all branch offices video (15 mins)
Open Interview, Cellphone Learning Video (16 mins) (for internal discussion)
Cellphone Learning (or Continuing Ed) Video "How to improve company culture" (7 mins)
Level 2 topics On LinkedIn. "Master" index of Level 2 topics
       - Need everyone to contribute 3 questions.
Level 2 criteria On LinkedIn. Level 2 question criteria
       As proposed by Lynne
Question Pool All approved questions incorporated (except image). Left-over unapproved questions are all in:
Unapproved Questions
Level 1 revison Will need to set up a task force to check if all exam questions are in the S&Gs.
Video "How to break into MNCs" Arranging to let board look at it before publishing.

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