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Sep 23, 2015

Item Description
Continuing Ed An option for certificate-holders to join mini-lessons. Completed continuing ed lessons will be tabulated on the students' credential list online when employers check them.
IITTI logistics training Help image consultants in getting familiarized with buying exam passes and arranging testing centres. Online, free. Under development.
IITTI train-the-trainer Let market forces decide. We won't do.
Level 1 revison Will need to set up a task force to check if all exam questions are in the S&Gs.
Level 1 exam pool Complete revision by end of September 2015(Riet?)
Level 2 building Will need to set up a task force to engage thought-leaders in industry to list all major topics.
Spanish translation Lilian to check if Spanish exam questions are suitable for different countries.
Traditional Chinese translation Jessie has completed the Proctor Manual. Is translating the Testing Centre Agreement document. In the pipeline are the other documents. We are sourcing for a professional translator for part of the Level 1 questions.
Inquires from AICI Conference Patrick answered all inquiries (as of Sep23), sent S&Gs, and will continue with follow-ups.
Paper Certificates Paper certificate printing procedures established, and first batch paper certificates sent.
Application for S&Gs Standards & Guidelines (S&Gs) application form is in the Image Consulting School Manual under "School Area".
Application to be Associate Application form to be an IITTI Associate is in the Role & Responsibilities of Associate under "School Area".
Discount for exam passes The final page of "Introduction to IITTI" under "Education" in the AICI website, as well as under "Documents" of our intranet here.

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