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Full Scope
Task Description Status
Writing Listing all the major headings of content for all Level 1, 2, 3. Patrick, Kimberly completed first draft of full scope, passed on to others (Jan30,2012).
Review Sanity checks, adding what needs clarifying.

Full Scope
Feb 10, 2012 edition

Full Scope
Apr 10, 2012 edition
Christina added items to the list (Feb01,2012).

Lynne raised concern about feasibility, and skills required for students to make videos (Jan31,2012).

Patrick discussed about the purpose of the "do good" videos (Feb02,2012).

Feedback about "do good" videos from Riet, Deborah, Christina, Lynne. Patrick compiled all discussions into "meeting notes" (Feb03,2012).

Patrick compiled all contributions into latest version of the Full Scope document (Feb10,2012).

Patrick further added all contributions into latest version of the Full Scope document (Apr10,2012).

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