Exam pass discount tables

At a Glance

Business Level 1 Exam (effective Nov 1, 2019)
Discounted fee (US$) Terms
$150 Regular fee
$80 + $20 proctoring fee Licensed IITTI Trainer
$20 Licensed IITTI Trainer, 100 exams, client acting as test center*
* Contact IITTI to confirm your client can qualify to act as testing center. This feature is designed for university clients and companies (e.g. engineering company) with facility to host exams. (Check below for more detail.)

Citizens of the World Exam
Discounted fee (US$) Terms
$50 Regular fee
$40 Licensed IITTI Trainer

Youth Exam
Discounted fee (US$) Terms
$80 Regular fee
$70 Licensed IITTI Trainer
$60 Licensed IITTI Trainer, 30 exams, client acting as test center**
$40 Licensed IITTI Trainer, 50 exams, client acting as test center**
$20 Licensed IITTI Trainer, 100 exams, client acting as test center**
** Contact IITTI to confirm your client can qualify to act as testing center for youth. This feature is designed for youth training centers to host exams. (Check below for more detail.)


Questions / Answers

I have checked the discount, how does it work?

You can buy the exam passes on behalf of your clients. (IITTI exam passes are like cell phone cards where you can enter the card number into your user account.) For example, for Business Level 1, you can buy at US$80 (+ US$20 proctoring fee) and sell to your clients at US$120 to cover your expenses. If your clients buy directly from IITTI, they pay US$150.

Is there an expiry date for an exam pass?


If I take the IITTI standard test myself, it would be at $100 and not $150?

Correct, as a student trainer, if you are to take the IITTI test yourself, you pay $100 ($80 + $20 proctor fee).

Do students submit their applications individually?

No, there is no need. When they enroll into an exam, the system automatically will know who they are.

Once paid, when and where can students do the exam?

Usually we require a week's advance notice. The venue will be at one of our testing centres or online.

However, if you are training employees in a company, we do allow companies to act as the testing centre (what we call 'client acting as test center'). You will need to set this up with us.

Similiarly for youth training, we allow youth training centres to act as testing centre. Please let us know.

What is 'client acting as test center'?

Short answer: your customer to act as test center.

Long answer:

For Business exams: We allow university clients of yours and company clients (such as engineering company, account company, etc.) of yours to host the exam. You need to check with us as well as your client to make sure they qualify as they need to be willing and able to act as the proctor and absorb all proctoring costs.

For Youth exams: We allow youth training centers and other organizations to host the exam. You need to check with us as well as your client to make sure they qualify as they need to be willing and able to act as the proctor and absorb all proctoring costs.