Trainer Area

"You do the training, we'll do the testing!"


A standardized testing system on soft skills for business people, tourists and youths

It is just like TOEFL, GMAT or SAT.

It sets the standards such as what it means to dress in "semi-formal" for a business meeting.




It makes trainers look more professional

Currently if you train students, how do you test them? Would you ever fail your own students? IITTI offers you an independent, unbiased testing for your students; a validation of your competency in the eye of the market.



Standard Kills Creativity

My brand is all about creativity

How can you set a standard on image and soft skills?!

What about artistic style and taste? Setting a standard will stifle creativity. How can trainers distinguish themselves?


Corporate training is about measurement

What cannot be measured is not done


The IITTI standard sets the "what" to be delivered. It is up to each trainer to design the "how" to deliver it.

That is, your creativity and your brand can flourish from the "way" you deliver. Something uniquely yours.
