How do I do marketing using IITTI for my business?

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Find those with the most urgent need



We will start out with the business category. Why? Because this satisfies the most urgent need of people, namely:

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

That is, job-seekers (particularly university students) have the most urgent need to get soft skills training in order to distinguish themselves from their competition. The driver (ie motivational driving force) for university students are the human resources (HRs) of companies; if HRs say they prefer job-applicants with IITTI credentials, then university students will be more than eager to get IITTI training. So the first step is to make aware of the IITTI Standard to HRs in your market, and eventually sell training to university students.

Once you have HRs being more aware of IITTI Standard, your next step in getting to university students are educating career counselors and student clubs at various universities, as well as job recruitment websites. They will listen to you once they hear that you have HRs giving preference to job-applicants with IITTI World Civility Index credentials.





Step 1



Recommend HRs to adopt IITTI

Set up 'Lunch & Learn' seminars for company HRs. You position yourself as the expert with something game-changing to offer, which is the IITTI Standard. You educate them that they no longer have to suffer from empty claims from job-applicants on CVs about how good their communication skills are and what a great team-player they are. Now HRs can specifically ask for solid proofs and give preference to those job-applicants with IITTI's World Civility Index credentials.

Here's how: Recommend HRs to improve their 'employer branding' by adding an extra line in their job ads stating they prefer applicants with the IITTI certification.

A simple one-line can help HRs pre-screen and attract job applicants who already understand the importance of soft skills.

Zero expenditure for company, better quality new hires!

A sample job ad: How to use IITTI for HR

You should advise HRs to go to This is the shortcut to the employer's area where there are exact instructions of how to add this one line.

Collect companies' job ads as proofs

Carefully collect these job ads. They will serve as your ammunition for why your image training is relevant to university students in Step 2 next.

You can also find more proofs at





Step 2



Set up 'Lunch & Learn' seminars for university career counselors, student club leaders and job sites. Using concrete proofs from Step 1, educate them about the advantage for their students being able to show soft skills credentials via the IITTI World Civility Index.

Here is the complete cycle: When employers want IITTI, counselors, student leaders, job sites will act!





Step 3



Jack pot! Set up lectures, seminars, and workshops as part of the "IITTI Activities" for your students! Show them the proper dress code, the handshakes, the dining etiquette where they can scan a QR code (we provide for you) and earn World Civility Index points.

At the same time, introduce them to also earn World Civility Index points via the IITTI Reading Program through your specific IITTI link. For example:

where 'DrJoyce' is the trainer's brand in this example.

How do you get your specific IITTI link for Reading Program? Email You will get a personalized, special link. For IITTI to create this special link for you, you will need to provide your company logo, link to your company website and brand name (at the minimum, your brand name). You put this special link on your social media and website, or give it to your customers. Every time a student pay for Reading Program through your link to spend it on reading articles, you will get pay for that.

For paying user, after an article is read, he/she can answer a multiple-choice question, and, if correct, earns one (1) World Civility Index point. There is a limit of one (1) article per day for earning World Civility Index. There is no limit as to how many articles a user can take over time.

The IITTI Reading Program is a form of informal learning or micro-learning, and serves as an awareness reminder, leading the users to consider taking more formal, lecture-style training from you.

What you are actually doing is an effective way to continuously engage your audience through a 'blended learning' approach; that is, the use of lecture-style activities (IITTI Activities) mixed with IITTI Reading Program.

Users can pay for both the Reading Program & Activities by buying "reading tickets" directly online via PayPal.

For those who are Licensed IITTI Trainers/Instructors, encourage students to go through your "IITTI training" and sit for, as an example, the IITTI Business Level 1 exam and earn World Civility Index points.

Exam candidates can buy "exam passes" in order to sit for an exam.

In summary, your students can earn World Civility Index points via these two paths.