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IITTI landed in Thailand

Aug 2, 2015

Josephine Lui, Certified Image Consultant of Imagine Image Consultancy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Apailuck Tantrabandit, Certified Image Consultant in Bangkok, Thailand jointly delivered the first IITTI ("ET") certification training in Bangkok, Thailand.

At the time of the exam, the IITTI exam questions were all in English, and a Thai interpreter was brought in to help with the questions. Throwing into the mix was also a 15-minute power outage! But somehow, the cohort of 12 exam candidates were still able to finish the exam in under an hour.

The exam was conducted in their in-house training centre with the full session being video-taped for security.

Thank you Josephine, Apailuck for building your curriculum on the IITTI Standard!

IITTI in Thailand To get the full war story, contact Josephine Lui, AICI CIP at or Apailuck Tantrabandit at