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代表接受獎項為IITTI執行董事陳汝卓(Patrick Chun), 由北京木真了時裝有限公司總設計師王曉琳頒獎

Nov 12, 2017

It was a great honour to be awarded the 'Best Educational Short Videos' award from Canada-China Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada. This is an international event organized between Canadian and Chinese film producers for technical and artistic exchanges.

This award is for the latest IITTI Cellphone Learning product that allows users a way to earn World Civility Index (WCI) points. Each week, IITTI sends a video about empathy, resilience, cultural awareness, etc. that subscribers can answer a question in order to earn the WCI.

Other award recipients include Canadian documentary film maker Alexandre Trudeau.

Patrick Chun and Kimberly Law of IITTI at the ceremony

Ref (IITTI is award #21, one up before the finale award):

IITTI Cellphone Learning is another way for job-seekers, tourists and youths to earn World Civility Index (WCI) points besides going through the traditional, sit-down, written exams.

You can try it out at